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January 16th, to March 27, 2025
Online Only

Taught every other week

7:00 to 8:00 PM MT
Location: Zoom

Christians have imagined Mary Magdalene as the repentant prostitute for well over a thousand years, but now, after the discovery of the Gospel of Mary and other early Christian writings, we know there is not a shred of truth to that. She was also the one person most closely associated with the resurrection of Jesus.

Was she actually one of Jesus’s disciples?
Or even the first apostle?

In our own complex and confusing world of the 21st century, what we learn from Mary can startle us with refreshing spiritual insights.

They are profoundly relevant today for men and women who resonate with the teachings and acts of Jesus.

Hosted by: Christian Science Society SLC
Location: Salt Lake City, UTAH

Register Now

During This Experience, You Will:

  • Understand why Mary Magdalene was a potential threat as a leader

  • Learn the importance of Mary Magdalene in the modern world

  • Learn the background behind the controversies surrounding Mary Magdalene

  • Understand why Mary Magdalene is considered a leader

  • Learn why modern research has made such a difference in understanding Mary Magdalene

Study and Learn in Fellowship

Register for the 
In person experience on
November 2, 2024

Register here

 *Register to receive the incredible BONUS' described in the video above

*Scholarships available upon request

Step #3

Full-day immersive experience,
parts 2 through 6 on 'Mary Magdalene: A Leader for the First and Twenty-First Centuries'

November 2, 2024
8:30 am to 4 pm MT

Location: downtown SLC

Register Now!

Shirley Paulson PhD,

is especially interested in the bridge-making, conversation-supporting, and healing role these ancient, long-forgotten extra canonical texts can be. From her 30 years’ healing experience as a Christian Science practitioner, she discovers messages of hope and healing from the ancient texts. Her first book, Illuminating the Secret Revelation of John: Catching the Light, was published by Cascade books in 2022. Learn more about the book on the Early Christian Texts website.

Her exploration and research into these texts ‘beyond the Bible’ began with her Master of Theological Studies work at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, which led to her PhD in Religion and Theology from the University of Birmingham (UK). The unique contribution of Shirley’s work is her research in extracanonical texts from the perspective of contemporary methodology in Practical Theology. The primary text for her research was The Secret Revelation of John. The combination of Shirley’s experience with healing, theological scholarship, and research in Practical Theology evokes ever-new questions and conversations based on ancient texts.

Shirley served as Head of Ecumenical Affairs for the world headquarters of The Christian Science Church for six years and on the Board of the North American Academy of Ecumenists for 5 years. She has published several articles and book chapters on spiritual healing and on Christian Science in ecumenical settings. Access her 2022 article, “A Path to Hope from a Mysterious Ancient Text: Gems within the Secret Revelation of John” by clicking here. Shirley has fifteen years’ experience as a public speaker.

(Photo credit: Bozena Voytko Photography)


  • Anyone with curiosity about Mary Magdalene

  • Experienced scholars of biblical studies who want to broaden their understanding of who Jesus was before being defined by church authority

  • Students of religious studies of all ages

  • The interfaith community who wants to better understand Mary  

  • Those who want to be on the cutting edge, because the dominant assumptions of Christianity are being reviewed

Free Preview Talk

Experience one free online presentation covering this information:

1- Introduction to Mary Magdalene

2- Did Jesus Kiss Mary?

3- Meeting Mary the Magdalene

4- Women in Greco-Roman Society in Biblical Times

5- What is the Gospel of Mary?

Tuesday: September 24, 2024

7 to 8 PM MST

Location: online via Zoom meetings

Register for free Here
Immersive Day

Full-day immersive experience,
'Mary Magdalene, a leader for the first and twenty first centuries'

January 16, 2025 to March 27th, 2025
Time: 7:00 pm to 8 pm MT
Location: Zoom
Frequency Taught every other Thursday

Registering for the immersive day includes an incredible BONUS!!!

BONUS Lectures:

BONUS: an online training led by Shirley Paulson on the Mary Magdalene in her Nag Hamadi series. This includes all 36 lectures; and is available until end of October 2026 for all registrants.

Register Here


Mary Magdalene deserves to be better known and understood. As we unshackle her story from the myth created by early patriarchal Christian leaders, we will discover a powerful and influential leader among the Christ people.

Contents and Overview

Section 1. In this section, we will introduce Mary and why she means so much to so many people in so many different contexts.

Section 2. We will become familiar with the Gospel of Mary, an ancient second-century text that is rich with feminist and spiritual meaning. You’ll see that it raises all kinds of questions about the way we’ve been taught to think about many things - such as who Mary was, her relationship with the other disciples, and the meaning of some of Jesus’s teachings.

Section 3.
We will examine the spiritual teachings from the Gospel of Mary. These discussions will undoubtedly open our eyes to seeing the Bible and first Jesus followers in a different light.

Section 4.
We will investigate the numerous controversies swirling around Mary Magdalene. We will examine other resources, such as some Nag Hammadi texts, that will expand our view of Mary and how others saw her in antiquity. A closer look at where and why these controversies arose will elucidate the struggle and the strength of this remarkable woman.

Section 5.
We will revisit all the information we find about Mary in the Bible and see how it correlates—or doesn't— with other ancient sources outside the Bible.

Section 6.
We will consider the significance of what we’ve learned: how does our new understanding of Mary shed light on the larger discussion of Christianity itself. What you need to know and what you will learn. You do not need any prior knowledge of the Bible or of Christian history to enjoy this course. But if you are familiar Mary Magdalene, you will appreciate the thought-provoking issues that have come to the surface since the discovery of the Gospel of Mary and other extracanonical writings.

Besides the video lectures, there are two ways you’ll be able to test your own understanding of the course:
1) two quizzes will serve as a review and refresher for the material you will have learned; and also
2) two opportunities to pause and ponder some of the ways in which you might put these ideas into practice.

By the end of the course, you will appreciate why Mary Magdalene has been so important throughout Christian history, why controversies follow her everywhere, and what impact she can make in the world today.

Who this course is for:
Anyone with curiosity about Mary Magdalene.

The contents do challenge some of our long-held beliefs about Mary, but the focus is on the interpretation of new scholarship and why Mary is both inspiring and enigmatical. The course includes inspirational and historical content.

159 West Broadway, #200, SLC, UT 84101

Phone: 801-474-4735

Email: [email protected]

Established 1954 Christian Science Society, SLC ©. All Rights Reserved